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                                  FAIR: The Families and Imprisonment Research Study

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                                  The Families and Imprisonment Research (FAIR) study is a two year ESRC funded project which is investigating processes of resilience in families who have experienced the imprisonment of the father. The research is a prospective longitudinal study of 54 families. It is using semi-structured interviews, standardised assessments and informal observations to collect qualitative and quantitative data from fathers, mothers and children about their experiences. The study aims to inform criminal justice, social welfare and education policy and practice on how best to support convicted parents, partners and children during and after imprisonment and how to minimise criminal justice-related hardships they experience.

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                                  There are many resources available to support prisoners and their families. Click the button to read more.

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                                  Sep 30, 2024

                                  FAIR team publish two chapters in The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family


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                                  FAIR Conference 2024 presentations now available!

                                  Jul 29, 2024

                                  FAIR Conference is now fully booked!

                                  Jun 17, 2024


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                                  Centre for Community, Gender & Social Justice


                                  Economic and Social Research Council


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